English pointer- puppies FCI

On May 8, 2024, we welcomed Pointer puppies to our small family breeding belonging to the Kennel Club in Poland.
We have 6 girls and 2 boys with beautiful colors. Puppies from exceptional parents - mother from Czech breeding and father from Italian lines, award-winning. Further generations were also highly rewarded - grandparents became world champions. This hunting breed is full of elegance and pride. She is fast and agile, and calm at home. Their short fur has no odor, so they are easy to keep clean. If you dream of a friend, please contact us:
+48 570 403 023
FB: Kornelia Motyka

Kontaktné údaje:
Meno: Pani kornelia motyka
E-mailová adresa: kornelia1313@onet.pl
Telefón: +48 570403023
Lokalita: Pstrągowa
CENA: 1000 €
Pes s papiermi:  Áno
Pes z chovateľskej stanice:  Áno
Počet videní:  167323

Všeobecné informácie o plemene:

Originálny názov: English Pointer, Iný názov: Anglický pointer
FCI Skupina FCI 7: Stavače
Viac Detailov
Vyhovujúce chovateľské stanice